Shot some student portrait with my BIL and a SUPERSTAR photographer.
It was quite hectic, running around the school. Haven;t been walking and climbing ( the stairs) for so long and so many times. Here're some shots that i like. I hope the magazine turn out to be as i expect.
Covered another malay wedding last weekend. The bride is actually japanese. I enjoyed the shoot alot, especially the dinner at the ARTS HOUSE. Very cosy, personal and heart-warming experience. Guests were invited to give speech relating how they first met, the silly things they did when they were in Sydney uni. Not forgotting the "secrets" about the groom and bride.
Sometimes i find the "usual" chinese banquet a little " chin chong", cos most of the time, you wont be mingling with your friends. Worst, you may not even know the persons that you shake hands with at the end of the wedding dinner!!!
Salihin & Chiaki's wedding dinner was full of emotions, mixture of laughters and tears!! The groom was actaully the one that teared alot!!! Ha, Salihin is such a sensitive new age guy!!!
Just had a studio session with Mendaki. This time round doing some headshots for their magazine.
Always wanted to try headshots with narrow depth of field. And trying to show their personality was the most difficult part. I hope i do capture some. They are all role models in the malay community, an army officer, a scientist, a religious leader, a social worker and a writer.
Well, one of the mendaki staffs, Saf, helped out alot. He really make them feel at ease cracking jokes and telling them stories. Thanks Saf!!!